8 High Energy Snacks for Your Next Hiking Adventure

8 High Energy Snacks for Your Next Hiking Adventure

Embarking on a hiking adventure is an exhilarating experience that allows you to reconnect with nature while getting some exercise. Whether you’re tackling a challenging trail or enjoying a leisurely stroll through scenic landscapes, having the right snacks can make all the difference in sustaining your energy levels and enhancing your overall enjoyment. To ensure you’re prepared for the journey ahead, we’ve curated a list of the top eight snacks for hiking that you need to pack for your next hike

  1. Trail Mix: Trail mix is a classic hiking snack for good reason. Packed with a mix of nuts, dried fruits, and sometimes chocolate or seeds, it provides a perfect balance of protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates to keep you energized throughout your hike. Plus, its lightweight and compact nature make it easy to carry in your backpack. You really can’t go wrong with trail mix, hence the name “Trail Mix”

2. Energy Bars: Energy bars are convenient, portable, and come in a variety of flavors to suit every palate. Look for bars that are high in protein and fiber, with minimal added sugars. These bars provide a quick and convenient source of fuel when you need a boost of energy on the trail.

snacks for hiking

Looks for the brands; Kate Real Foods, Kind, Cliff Bar and Nature Valley. If you’re someone who has low blood sugar and could use a boost from a bar with some added sugars, then Nutri-grain bars are my go-to

3. Fresh Fruit: Fresh fruit like apples, oranges, bananas, and grapes are nature’s original fast food and make excellent hiking snacks. They’re hydrating, packed with vitamins and minerals, and provide a refreshing burst of natural sweetness to keep you going mile after mile.

I always have a few bananas on me because they are a great natural source of energy. Carbohydrates and potassium are perfect fuel! Everything else listed is great as well with the natural sugars

4. Jerky: Jerky is a protein-packed snack that’s perfect for fueling your adventure on the trail. Whether you prefer beef, turkey, or even vegan options like mushroom jerky, it’s a delicious and satisfying way to replenish your energy stores while hiking. Also light weight and easy to bring with you in your back-pack

5. Nut Butter Packs: Single-serve nut butter packs are a convenient and mess-free way to enjoy the goodness of nuts while on the go. Spread it on crackers or fruit, or simply squeeze it straight into your mouth for a quick and satisfying snack that’s rich in healthy fats and protein.

6. Rice Cakes: Rice cakes are a lightweight and crunchy snack that provides a satisfying crunch without weighing you down. Top them with nut butter, cheese, or avocado for a delicious and filling treat that’s perfect for refueling during a hike. An easy and delicious way to keep you fueled. Have these for breakfast and bring some more on your hike. Loaded with carbohydrates, rice cakes with some nut butter on them will take you a long ways!

7. Granola Bars: Granola bars are another convenient option for hikers looking for a quick and easy snack to keep them going. Look for bars made with whole grains, nuts, and seeds for a nutritious and satisfying treat that will keep you fueled for the journey ahead.

PROBAR, Cliff Bar, Nature Vllaey, Kind, Kodiak are great options here as well. I always try to have at least 4-5 bars with me. Take one out and eat it on your walk and it will make you feel that much better for the rest of your hike.

8. Sun Flower Seeds: Sun Flower Seeds are another great option for your hike as well and they taste great! You can get them in pretty much any flavor you want now from ranch, to Buffalo style to dill pickles etc!

Sunflower seeds are nutrient- and antioxidant-rich and provide plant protein, healthly fats, and fiber. They will keep you energized and they are good for you as well. Best of all you can just spit them out on the ground when you’re done chewing or sucking them. The salt off the seeds will help keep your sodium and electrolyte levels replenished as well if you’re a big sweater like me.

Finally, and this should go without saying, make sure you bring plenty of water. Especially if it’s a hot day you need to make sure you’re hydrated at all times. Dehydration is the biggest threat to people hiking, no matter where you are. Also pack your own electrolytes or bring a zero sugar sports drink. I like to have zero sugar Powerade with me as well to replenish my minerals and electrolytes during longer and hotter hikes. Not to mention it also taste great!

For more hiking tips be sure to check out my other article on that topic!