About Me / Contact Me

Hello, my name is Ben and I’m the Cubicle Explorer! Like most of you out there I work a 9-5. Being on Instagram and tik tok, the social media world has told me that you can only travel if you’re rich or if you quit your job to travel the world full time. I’m here to break that stigma and show how it is entirely possible to be able to work a 9-5 job, have money for necessities, save up for retirement, build your investment portfolio AND still have the money and time to be able to travel the world 3-5 weeks out of the year!

I got really into traveling a couple years ago when I visited Iceland with my girlfriend who has been all over the world at this point and is younger than me! That trip really changed my perspective on life and what I want to do with my time and money. I wanted to travel! Iceland was gorgeous and such an incredible experience that the money I spent means nothing to me, I made that back. It’s the memories and experience that will last me a lifetime.

After that trip I really wanted to see just how much I can travel while maintaining a steady lifestyle. I tell my friends they should travel more but the same excuse is “I don’t have the time or money, I don’t understand how you can travel so much!”

Welp the truth is it’s so much easier than you think it is.

I learned a lot from people just like me. I created a FREE eBook that you can find by CLICKING HERE that goes into depth of how I travel while maintaining my 9-5 job. And no, i’m not a digital nomad. I opened a separate vacation account where I put about $25-$75 a week in depending how generous I was feeling, and that was solely to be used towards my next trip. I learned to stack PTO over holidays to maximize my vacation time and several other little things you can read about.

I want to inspire people to travel! That it is 100% worth the time and money, it is amazing and anyone can do it. I’ve been to many different places, cities, countries and National Parks and I just started a couple years ago. Imagine how many new places you can go to if you started now?!

Just this year we’re going to Utah to visit Zion, Bryce Canyon and the parks there, Las Vegas, the Florida Everglades, Virgin islands and potentially more! That’s at least four new and beautiful places that we’re able to go too. thanks to our 9-5 job.

If you want to learn the secret to traveling with a 9-5, along with travel guides, budget tips, travel inspiration and more, then this is the website for you

Why I Blog?

I’m currently 27 years old & I know many of you are thinking what does this kid know? Well I’ve always had a passion for writing & have been wanting to start my own blog for quite some time now.

Since I took that first trip to Iceland six years ago I’ve spent the next several years of my life studying blogging, learning how money & budgeting works so I can save & invest for the future while still living my best life today. I’ve looked into how to get the most out of your PTO days, travel hacks so you can travel more & save money! All while keeping my 9-5 job. Oh and of course learning from people that know more than me!

I’m not an influencer, I work a full-time job like 70% of people do in the world. If you’re at your desk looking on Instagram seeing these people & your friends jet skiing in the Maldives or hiking in the Rockies etc, stop feeling sorry for yourself, because you can do that too!

That’s my goal with this site, while I travel and blog, I want to inspire & help others in their future travels as well & show people you can live the life of your dreams without going viral on tik tok or without having to quit your stable full-time job.

My Bucket List Spots

In some particular order these are the next spots I’m hoping to hit very soon!

  1. St. Barths
  2. Norway
  3. Colorado Rockies
  4. Italy
  5. Ireland
  6. Croatia
  7. Bahama’s
  8. Arizona (Sedona/ Grand Canyon)
  9. Nashville, TN
  10. Edinburgh, Scotland
  11. Alaskan National Parks
  12. Hawaii

For the average person, they would be saying “there’s no way you can hit all those places, I don’t have enough money or time off!” If you budget & plan correctly, you can absolutely afford to visit these places & not set yourself back one bit!

What will I get out of this blog?

Surely you’re wondering why you should be here, why should you read what I have to say?

If you’re planning your next trip & looking for catered guides for your next destination, we got you.

Are you feeling stuck in your job & want to start living more? We got you.

Want to start traveling but afraid to step out of your comfort zone & don’t know where to start or how much money it’ll cost? We got you.

Want to learn some new travel hacks, tips & save money? We got you!

Whatever your reason for being here, you can gain from this blog because I was most likely feeling the exact same way!

This blog offers detailed guides for destinations, tips and hacks to make your travels easier and cheaper! As well as articles on why you should travel and how you can travel without breaking the bank. Pretty much anything travel related you will find here!

Take it from someone who never once thought about traveling or wanted to travel when I was getting out of college. My goal was to get a good job, live a cushy lifestyle & save up money for retirement. I met my travel loving girlfriend who talked me into going to Iceland. I was very skeptical & nervous the entire way there. But once I was trekking through snow in the middle of nowhere going behind beautiful hidden waterfalls, that was the first moment I felt truly alive in my life.

I’m glad you’re here. Let’s make some memories & live life the way it was meant to be lived

Looking To Get in Touch?

For general inquiries or partnerships, feel free to email me at

bmorn5225 @gmail.com

Want to guest post for the blog? Shoot me an email and we’ll chat! I’m always looking to connect with other travel bloggers!